Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxiliary (UAPSA), the duly recognized student organization of the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), and the UAP national organization known to cater to Architecture students by organizing seminars, events, and activities for its members’ academic and personal well-being, are celebrating our 25th year of establishment. Having over 11,400 members from different Architectural schools all over the country, we would like to invite your esteemed company to join us in this period of celebration through extending your support in our events for this fiscal year 2014-2015.

UAPSA will be having its 22nd National Congress on April 21-24, 2015 with the title and theme: “Edifying Filipino Architecture amidst Globalization”. Held annually, this event is expected to draw over 250-300 students, professionals, and guests from all over the Philippines. This gathering will serve as an opportunity for them to represent their school and compete in the various contests and attend workshops/seminars to be conducted by highly-qualified architect-practitioners and academicians.

In line with this, we cordially invite you to attend this annual event as honourable guest.

Below are the itinerary programme and guidelines of the event. We are pleased to entertain inquiries through

RETROSPECT: Edifying Filipino Architecture Amidst Globalization
Metro Manila + Whiterock Waterpark and Beach Hotel, Subic


Day 1 – April 21, 2015

04:00PM Arrival of Delegates 
Registration VENUE: UAP, HQ
Distribution of IDs and Kits

Chapter Presidents’ Assembly VENUE: UAP, HQ
07:00PM Opening Remarks
Roll Call of Chapters Gelli P Rico, uapsa-tup
Secretary General
07:10PM Presentation of Election Candidates
Candidates Minute –Campaign 
*Candidates are given a minute to introduce oneself   
07:30PM Open Forum   
07:45PM National Elections
07:50PM Chapter Presidents’ Report
Reactions, Suggestions, Open Forum
011:30PM Adjournment

Day 2 – April 22, 2015

03:30AM End of Registration

Opening Ceremony
04:00AM National Anthem VENUE: UAP, HQ
04:05AM Welcome Remarks Sharlene Mae M Esteves, uapsa-feu UAPSA National President

Team Building
04:10AM Assembly and Formation of Teams VENUE: UAP, HQ
04:15AM Explanation of Team Bldg. Mechanics   Cedric Errol P Revilla, uapsa-mit
Executive Director on Congress &Assemblies
04:30AM Stretching
04:45AM Start of Team Building Competition
12:45PM End of Team Building Competition
01:00PM Departure for Whiterock Waterpark VENUE: FinalPit Stop of Team Bldg.
And Beach Hotel, Subic
02:00PM Stop Over For Late Lunch VENUE: NLEX stopover
04:45PM Estimated Time of Arrival at Whiterock
Waterpark and Beach Hotel, Subic
05:00PM Check-in / Preparation for Welcome Dinner

Honor Dinner VENUE: Whiterock Waterpark and Beach
06:30PM Entrance of National Board Hotel Ballroom
06:45PM Intermission Number of NBDs
06:50PM Opening Remarks Arch Ma Benita O Regala, fuap
UAP National President

       06:55PM    National Congress Guidelines Cedric Errol P Revilla, uapsa-mit
Executive Director on Congress &Assemblies

07:00PM Mr And Ms. UAPSA Formal Wear Walk
07:25PM Introduction of Guest of Honor 1
07:30PM Message of Guest of Honor 1 Arch Rey S Gabitan, uap
UAP National Executive Vice President
07:35PM Introduction of Guest of Honor 2
07:40PM Message of Guest of Honor 2 Arch Miguel Guerrero III, fuap, APEC 
Architect, ASEAN Architect, AssocAIA
07:45PM Introduction of Guest of Honor 3
07:50PM Message of Guest of Honor 3 Arch Alex de Leon
UAP Olongapo-Zambales Chapter

07:55PM Awarding of Token of Appreciation to Guest/s of Honor
Chapter Video Presentations
08:45PM Mr&Ms UAPSA Talent Portion
09:30PM Closing Remarks and Announcements
Photo Opportunity
National Board Meeting

Day 3 – April 23, 2015

06:30AM BREAKFAST VENUE: Whiterock Waterpark and Beach
cut-off time: 7:30AM Hotel Ballroom

Architectural Competitions VENUE: Whiterock Waterpark and Beach
08:00AM Opening Remarks Hotel Ballroom
08:05AM Competition Guidelines and Instructions 
08:10AM Competition Proper 
11:45AM Submission of Entrees

12:00PM Lunch VENUE: Whiterock Waterpark and Beach
Hotel Ballroom
Annual Business Meeting
*simultaneous with lunch
12:30PM Message from the UAP Arch’tMichael Angelo P Baruiz, uap UAPSA Chairman

12:40PM National President’s Report Sharleen Mae M Esteves,uapsa-feu
UAPSA National President

12:55PM National Budget Report Paul D Arozal, uapsa-feu
UAPSA National Treasurer
01:15PM Other Agenda

Seminar Module VENUE: Whiterock Waterpark and Beach
01:30PM Opening Remarks Hotel Ballroom
01:35PM Introduction of Guest Speaker
01:40PM Seminar Proper
03:00PM Open Forum 
03:20PM Intermission 
03:30PM Awarding of Certificates and Tokens 
03:35PM Closing Remarks 
Photo Opportunity
04:00PM Preparation for Fellowship and Awards Night

Fellowship and Awards night VENUE: Whiterock Waterpark and Beach
06:30PM Invocation Hotel Ballroom
06:35PM Opening Remarks 
Introduction of Guests 
Roll Call of Chapters
Acknowledgement of Sponsors 
Mr. and Ms. UAPSA AVP 
Presentation of Judges & Criteria for Judging 
07:30PM Mr. and Ms. UAPSA Creative Wear 
08:00PM Awarding of Certificates and Medals for Competitions
08:30PM Mr. And Ms. UAPSA Q&A Portion 
09:15PM Awarding of Certificates and Medals for Team-Building
09:30PM Pronouncement of the Election Results Davie A Molate, uapsa-batsu
Commissioner on Internal Affairs
09:40PM Awarding of Certificates for Special Awards
09:50PM Announcement of Winners of Mr. And Ms. UAPSA 2015
10:00PM Closing Remarks and Announcements 
10:10PM Fellowship

Day 4 – April 24, 2015

06:00AM Breakfast
*cut-off time: 7AM
07:00AM National Congress Usage of Amenities
12:00NN Check Out
01:00PM Bus to Manila

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  • Retrospect: 22nd UAPSA National Congress The United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxiliary (UAPSA), the duly recognized student organization of the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), and the UAP national organization known to cater to Architec… Read More


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